Latest FPSC Schedule for section officers promotional examination SOPE 2024 has been announced in the daily newpapers.In this Article,we will give you information about section officers promotional examination SOPE 2024.
Section officers promotional examination SOPE 2024
Federal Public service Commission will tentatively hold written promotional examination 2024 with effect from 21.05.2024 for selection of Section Officers (BS-17) against Thirty nine 39 vacancies of office Management Group (OMG) as per Rules and syllabi for SOPE-2015 notified vide SRO 418(|)/2015 dated May 18th 2015 and amended from time to time,as available on FPSC website.
The SOPE has following Components:
- Written Examination 650 Marks(Compulsory=450 & Optional=200).
- Psychological Assessment (Only the eligible and sucessful candidates of written examination will be called for Pyschological Assessment and Via Voce.
- Viva Voce = 200 Marks
Eligibility Criteria:Following is the criteria to be eligible for applying/appearing in SOPE:.
Educational Qualification
At least Second Class or Grade “C” Bachelor’s degree in any faculty recognized by Higher Education Commission.However,a candidate who has obtained a Third Division (or “D” Grade) in his/her Bachelor’s degree will be eligible for the examination in cases where he/she obtained a higher Division in Master’s Degree.
Age Limits
A candidate for admission to the examination must have attained the minimum age of 30 years on the closing date for receipt of application i.e 27.11.2023 (No age relaxation shall be allowed in any case).
Lenght of Service
Eight (8) years regular service in BS-11 to BS-16 in president’s Secretariat,prime minister’s secretariat,Senate Secretariat,National Assembly Secretariat,Federal Secretariat,Attached Departments,Wafaqi Mohtasib’s Secretariat,Federal Service Tribunal,Federal Public Service Commission,Intelligence Bureau and also the Civilian Employees of Pakistan Armed Forces Headquarters and their lower formations.
Lenght of service as at c (i) above means regular service acquired before or after obtaining the required educational qualification given at para 2 (a) above.
The Superintendents granted/placed in BS-17 but holding substantive post in BS-16 are eligible to apply for SOPE-2024 in term of Establishment Division OM No.7/5/2014 dated 29.12.2016 subject to observance of other conditions stipulated in SOPE Rules 2015.
The employees of the following offices/categories shall not be eligible to apply/appear for SOPE-2024.
- All subordinate Offices
- Accountants General in the Provinces
- AJK Council
- Provincial Governments,Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan Governments.
- Election Commission Of pakistan
- Federal Shariat Court
- Semi-Government,Autonomous Bodies,Corporations and Regulatory Authorities.
- Strategic Organization such as PAEC,KRL,AWC and others.
- The employees mentioned at (i) to (viii) working on deputation basis in Federal Government.
- Other departments which have not been declared as attached departments in terms of schedule ||| of rules of bussiness 1973.
Procedure for Submission Of Application : All aspirants may apply online for SOPE-2024 during the period from 12.11.2023 to 27.11.2023 followed by submission of hard copy of online form duly signed along with all documents,so as to reach the FPSC headquater,Islamabad within 10 days of the closing date as per procedure stipulated in Rule-4 for SOPE-2015.
Closing Date for submission of online applications is 27.11.2023.
Candidates are adviced to :
- Carefully fill the online form,The hard copy of online application form must have the same entries as in online form.
- No subsequent alteration in the entires of online form shall be accepted.
- Correctly enter CNIC No.and date of birth in online form.
- Wrong entry shall lead to rejection of candidature.
- Attach all attested copies of required documents,photographs with the hard copy of online application form and must be dispatched to Secetary,FPSC,F-5/1,aga khan road Islamabad withinin 10 days of closing date.
- Choose the optional subjects correctly in accordance with appendix-| of rules for SOPE-2015.Be carefull that optional subjects and examination center once selected shall not be changed.No request in this regard shall be entertained.
- Strictly comply with the Rules for SOPE-2015 else their candidature shall lead to rejection.
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