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Vacancy Announcement: Assistant Station Master Gr-I (BPS-10) at Pakistan Railways Sukkur Division Pakistan Railways Sukkur Division is seeking applications from retired Stations Masters/Assistant Station Masters for the position of Assistant Station Master Gr-I (BPS-10) on a purely contract basis for a period of one year. Applicants from other divisions who meet the criteria are also eligible to apply. Below are the details:
Position Details:
- Name of Category: Assistant Station Master Gr-I (BPS-10)
- Pay Scale: BPS-10
- Age Limit: Maximum 62 years as of the closing date for submission of applications
- Number of Vacancies: 41
Terms and Conditions:
- Retired Stations Masters/Assistant Station Masters are eligible.
- Those retired compulsorily or on medical grounds, removed, or dismissed from service are not eligible.
- Selected candidates will be posted anywhere within the jurisdiction of Sukkur Division as decided by the competent authority.
- Pay will be according to the stage of time scale of the post at which the retired ASM/SM was drawing pay before retirement.
- Selected candidates will be entitled to draw increases in pension or pay announced by the Government during the contract period.
- Candidates must undergo a prescribed Medical Fitness Examination from Divisional Medical Officer, Sukkur.
- The Competent Authority reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason.
- No TA/DA will be provided for interviews, medical examinations, or other formalities.
Application Submission:
- Only typed/computerized applications with complete biodata and attested documents will be entertained.
- Telephone and mobile numbers must be mentioned on the application form.
- Applications must be accompanied by attested copies of:
- Three passport size photographs
- Copy of CNIC
- Copy of Railway ID/Card
- Photocopy of Pension proforms/Authority letter
- Service Certificate
- Three postal envelopes with complete home address, telephone & mobile number written thereon with the application are necessary.
- Applications submitted by hand will not be accepted.
- The last date for submission of applications is 08 May 2024.
For further information, contact: (Shoukat Hussain Mangi) DPO
for Divisional Superintendent
Pakistan Railway, Sukkur PID (H) 376/23
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I need helps i m very por
Plz mujhy madad kren