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Latest Pakistan Kidney and Liver institute and research center (PKLI &RC) has announced latest jobs in the daily jang newspaper.
Career Opportunities
Applications are invited for Post Graduate Tarinees,the pakistan kidney and liver institute and research center is working as a body corporate through pakistan kidney and liver institute and research center act 2019(the act) passed by the provincial assembly of punjab.PKLI &RC is overseen by an independent Board of Governors constituted through the said Act.
We are pleased to offer following positions for qualified candidates:
- Post-Graduate Trainee Histopathology 01 position
- Post-Graduate Trainee Microbiology 01 position
- Post-Graduate Trainee Hepatology and Gastroenterology(2nd fellowship) 03 positions
- Post-Graduate Trainee Radiology 03 positions
- Post-Graduate Trainee Nephrology 04 Positions
- Post-Gradute Trainee Inetrnal Medicine 04 positions
- Post-Graduate Trainee Paediatric Hepatology & gastroenterology (2nd fellowship) 02 positions.
- Post-Graduate Trainee Hepatobiliary and liver transplant (2nd fellowship) 04 positions.
- Post-Graduate Trainee Urology 02 positions
PKLI College of nursing allied health science
- Vice Principal (Nursing College) 01 position.
How to Apply ?
- Market based competitive salaries will be offered
- Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
- No TA/DA will be admissible for the interview.
- Apply online jobs portal in website is given in the advertisement.
- Applications after due date will not be entertained.
- age limit is 18 to 62 years.
- Deposit it an application fee Rs.3000/- for PG’s and Rs.1000/- for others (Non-refundable) at bank of punjab account.
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