The District Health Office, Islamabad, under the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination, is seeking eligible candidates to fill various temporary positions. Here are the details:
1. Assistant (BPS-15)
- Number of Posts: 3
- Quota: Merit (1), Sindh (R) (1), Baluchistan (1)
- Education: Graduate with 06 weeks Basic IT Training Course (Including MS Office) conducted by NITB
- Age Limit: 18-28
- Preferred Degree: Second Class Bachelor’s Degree, preferably with statistics, economics, mathematics, commerce, sociology, or social work as subjects.
2. Statistical Assistant (BPS-15)
- Number of Posts: 1
- Quota: Punjab/ICT (1)
- Education: Matric with science and Diploma in the relevant field minimum one year OR above
- Age Limit: 18-25
3. Sanitary Inspector (BPS-12)
- Number of Posts: 5
- Quota: Punjab/ICT (2), Baluchistan (1), Sindh (R) (1), Sindh (U) (1)
- Education: Matric with science and Diploma in the relevant field minimum one year OR above
- Age Limit: 18-25
4. Accounts Assistant (BPS-11)
- Number of Posts: 1
- Quota: Merit (1)
- Education: Graduate, preferably in commerce
- Age Limit: 18-25
5. LDC (BPS-11)
- Number of Posts: 1
- Quota: Merit (1)
- Education: Matric with minimum typing speed 30 W.P.M.
- Age Limit: 18-25
6. Family Welfare Worker (BPS-09)
- Number of Posts: 13
- Quota: Merit (2), Punjab/ICT (2), Sindh (U) (2), Sindh (R) (3), KPK (1), Baluchistan (1), GB (1), AJK (1)
- Education: Matric with science and Certificate in LHV/FWW with Departmental training in RTI
- Age Limit: 18-32 (Only female candidates are eligible)
And many more positions are available, including Junior Technician, Medical Assistant, Vaccinator, Driver, Aya (Dai), Naib Qasid, Chowkidar, Mali, Sanitary Worker, and others.
Interested candidates should apply online on the National Job Portal website ( within fifteen days from the date of publication of the advertisement. Hand-delivered applications will not be accepted.
For further details, candidates can contact Dr. Muhammad Zaeem Zia, District Health Officer, Islamabad, at 051-9260285.DR. MUHAMMAD ZAEEM ZIA DISTRICT HEALTH OFFICER, ISLAMABAD
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