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Government of Pakistan Federal Directorate of Education (FDE) Applications are invited against the following vacant positions on a regular basis in the educational institutions of the Federal Directorate of Education, Islamabad, in urban and rural areas of Islamabad Capital Territory, for the following subjects:
Situations Vacant
Nomenclature of the Post | BPS | Category | No. of Vacancies | Quota Distribution | Eligibility Criteria | Age Limit (Years) |
Elementary School Teacher (EST) | 14 | Male | 102 | Merit 7, ICT 8, Punjab 23 (1 Disable), Sindh (U) 4, Sindh (R) 5 (1 Minorities), Khyberpakhtunkhwa 7, Balochistan 4, Ex-FATA 2, GB 01, AJK 01 | Second Class/Grade “C” (4 Years) Bachelor Degree or its equivalent qualification in relevant subject from a university recognized by HEC | 18-25 Years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit |
Nomenclature of the Post | BPS | Category | No. of Vacancies | Quota Distribution | Eligibility Criteria | Age Limit (Years) |
Elementary School Teacher (EST) | 14 | Female | 135 | Merit 10 (1 Minorities), ICT 67, Punjab 31 (2 Minorities & 1 Disable), Sindh (U) 5, Sindh (R) 7 (1 Minorities), Khyberpakhtunkhwa 7, Balochistan 4, Ex-FATA 02, GB 01, AJK 01 | Second Class/Grade “C” (4 Years) Bachelor Degree or its equivalent qualification in relevant subject from a university recognized by HEC | 18-25 Years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit |
Grand Total of Posts: 237
i. Registration Process:
- Eligible interested candidates shall apply online (no hard copy shall be entertained).
- For online registration and further assistance, visit the link www.fbise.edu.pk/FDE/employment.
- List of institutions for relevant subjects is available on the link shared above along with relevant documents.
- The last date for online registration is 18.03.2024.
- Intimation about the date and venue of the test shall be communicated electronically through SMS/Email of the candidate only.
- These selections are non-transferable for the initial 05 years.
ii. Interview/Selection Process:
- Based on test results and scrutiny, shortlisted candidates shall be called for an interview.
- Intimation about the venue and the date of the interview shall be communicated through letter, email, as well as through uploading on the official website www.fbise.edu.pk/FDE/employment.
- The shortlisted candidates would be required to bring original documents along with an attested copy of each at the time of the interview duly verified from HEC as well as IBCC.
Dr. Tabassum Naz (Director Schools)
Federal Directorate of Education
Rohtas Road, G-9/4, Islamabad
Phone # 051-9260297, Email: dir.schools@fde.gov.pk
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